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Basic Estate Planning for White Bear Lake

On Behalf of | Nov 12, 2024 | Firm News

not just for millionaires

You Don’t Need to Be a Millionaire to Benefit from Basic Estate Planning

Many people think estate planning is only for the extremely wealthy, but this couldn’t be
further from the truth. Whether you’re just starting your career, raising a family, or
nearing retirement, basic estate planning can offer protection and peace of
mind—regardless of your income or where you are in life.

Not Just About What Happens To Your Assets

Healthcare Directives and Power of Attorney are an important part of Estate planning. It’s
about more than just passing on money or property. Documents like a healthcare directive
or power of attorney ensure that people whom you trust will make decisions on your
behalf if you’re unable to do so. These tools are especially important in emergencies,
making sure your medical and financial affairs are handled according to your wishes.
Sheila also has a healthcare directive program that is simple, affordable and very easy.